Have just dug out my dolls cot (circa 1940) to use as a magazine/knitting rack,given it a beeswax polish,and notice there are woodworm holes in it, which are probably years old, do you think I ought to give it a woodworm treAtment just to be safe? If so what product do you recommend? Thank you
When you see the holes the bugs have already emerged. Do check they are not eating you out of house and home elsewhere. Any floorboards going up and down more easily these days ?
Doesn't hurt to isolate the cot and give it the treatment. I don't have a particular recommendation, any brand name should be ok. Or you could sling it on the bonfire if it holds little value to you.
ThanksGeezer, the holes are very old, but think I will give it a doze of something, it has VERY sentimental value, as it was made for me by a beloved cabinetmaker uncle, and a new base put in by my dad before my girls had it .
Hmmm-That old indeed - I'll have you know the cot and I are recycled teenagers! That aside,have just had a chat with a furniture restorer friend,who tells me the worms won't now be active till April, to put a little wax into a hole,check in Spring,and if they are still active will have made a hole in the wax.