//What about the children, can that be a nuisance too, //
Only to old curmudgeons and night-shift workers :-P
//or is that just normal noise //
It's perfectly normal, imho. As is conducting conversations by shouting to one another from 50 yards apart instead of, you know, walking to within a few paces and conversing at a lower volume.
When I was a kid, we only had the neighbour shout at us once, for playing too noisily, in the street (cul-de-sac) but, in those days, we could give them a break by walking about half a mile to (what passed for) a park. It also meant we could play shots in all directions, with a proper cricket ball, without risk of window breakages.
Anyway, where there's kids making a racket, there is life and where there's new life, there's hope, I say.