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God Its Hot

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nailit | 16:30 Thu 26th Jul 2018 | ChatterBank
61 Answers
I know that the English...and ABers...always seem obsessed about he weather but this is stifling.
Already had 2 baths today and might have to have a 3rd before bed. Sitting here in just my boxers with my tilt and turn windows all at the horizontal position and the sweats dripping off me.
Might go sit in the fridge for an hour....
(The ice cubes might do my little problem good as well)


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Cold baths nailit??
34.5 degrees here and praying for rain... :-(
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Just lukewarm hereiam. Not brave enough for a plunge pool just yet ;-)
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same here jo.
Too hot and humid for me.
Cold baths don’t help. They give you a glow afterwards which just makes you hotter. Cool or lukewarm are the way to go
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Is all this heat something to do with the greenhouse effect kicking in??
Supposed to be even hotter tomorrow - ye Gods !!!
One of my best purchases (about 15 years ago) was a portable air -con unit. This is only the fourth or fifth season we've used's 32C outside and 21C in here (and humidity is reduced to a comfortable 50%).
And, yes, it uses energy....but so does the heating, and I don't think twice about using that in the winter.
It's the heavy mugginess and strong wind here that's getting to me, Nailit....a strange combination....I don't remember 1976 being as wearing as this....

I have one coolish room and I've spent the day in there knitting and radio listening...don't think I've ever sat so still in the daytime before.....
It's 31 degrees with a thunderstorm predicted.....

A long, loose, floaty cheesecloth dress is the answer, Nailit....and nothing else at all....boxers don't waft a welcoming breeze when you move around..... ;-)
I'm struggling to eat as well.
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//boxers don't waft a welcoming breeze when you move around....//
So my ex used to tell me :-)
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//I'm struggling to eat as well.//
Funny you say that ummmm. The last thing I had eat was at 11 this morning. Just not hungry when it gets like this.
Nailit why have you got your windows wide open letting the hot air outside into your flat? My room is 24c but outside in my garden the temperature was 37c but by keeping the doors closed and blinds half closed I have managed to keep the temperature inside a lot cooler than outside. Advice on BBC and elsewhere is to do this except in the evening when it cools and the air outside becomes cooler than inside, then you open your windows and let the cool air in. Try it tomorrow, probably too late for today now. It works thank goodness because I find this weather almost unbearable.
When I was moaning about the heat last week people were scoffing at me for being a drippy drip. Now see how they like it!
Make sure you all keep your fluid levels up, it's essential in this sort of weather......
Yah Boo!
We've got aircon but I nearly passed out when I went outside, well into the 30's. I'm not built for heat :/
If you think this is hot, you should try Miami!!!
We left folks in absolute meltdown as it is 5 degrees hotter at this time of year than last year and saying they've never know anything like this. Do you think the end is coming???

At least my OH's boss is turning up with iced water.

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