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Photo, too  many extraneous objects, Which an artist would omit.

It's a painting by Russell Howarth.

 I'm surprised. Howarth's style is usually much more open and loose in his interpretation.

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not convinced, too much intricate detail

Not convinced it's a painting or not convinced it's by that artist?

It's a painting.

The link by Etch shows it is a painting by Howarth but the reason I was surprised is although it's quite a small picture, 18 x 15, even the road sign writing is perfectly clear as in a photograph. 

Here are other examples of his work, the intricate work shown in this picture isn't there in the other work shown.

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I've never seen the point of photo-realism other than, "look how clever I am."?

Good painting (a broad term) has to be about something.  

That price includes the commission.

It's painted but I wouldnt call it a painting.

But of course art is subjective.

Corby : //What is this $48.8 million painting about?//

Objectively, it's about international money laundering. Subjectively, it's about colour.

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Photo Or Oil Painting?

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