Wasn't sure where to put this one. Just wondering if anyone knows how much it costs to repair a kitchen work surface with a few scratches on it? They're really small and you have to look closely to find them. Just after a rough guess of how much it would be to fix! Thanks :-)
firstly is it formica or wood and secondly is it worth it? It really depends on whether the whole top needs replaced or if there is a quick fix that can be used. Are you selling your house by any chance or is it just bugging you?
Umm don't think it's wood but not sure what formica is, it's not granite though. I am in a rented flat and scratched it as was too lazy to get a chopping board (what an idiot I am!) and just wondering how much they'll be likely to charge me out of my deposit (if they notice!)...
Its probably formica then (plasticy). To replace it could be quite costly as it is sold by the length then you need to cut it to fit and install. If its barely noticable I wouldnt worry too much about it, landlords expect wear and tear and are able to allow �600 a year (tax free) per property for just this sort of thing. Failing that, a well placed plant pot or new chopping board over the offending area might suffice!
Well if its granite it will be cold to the touch but it is highly unlikley that you could mark it by chopping (unless you were using an axe or something). As I say, don't worry about it too much, they expect these things.