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Shower problem.

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des1 | 19:41 Wed 02nd Jun 2010 | DIY
6 Answers
I have a manual power shower that works fine but when i turn it off it continues to drip. Any ideas please?


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new washer.
When you turn off the shower the insides of the pipe or tube, and of the shower-head, are wet. This water will accumulate in the shower-head and will cause a drip, perhaps for some time after the shower is turned of. But if the shower is still dripping, say, next morning, then it's as Woofgang suggests.
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Yes it is still dripping next morning. Which washer needs replacing please?
Google the make and model of shower, des.
The better known makes often have a parts diagram, or even a Tech support number...........
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Thanks mate i just wondered which particular washer needs replacing. I presume he didn`t mean the shower head or hose washer.
What you need is an overhaul seal kit .. not just a washer.
Mira are particularly good at this, others so so.

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