Went to Morrissons and got a bottle of Taittinger for only £16 something - reduced from £33. I'm chuffed and neither of my girlfriends like the stuff. Yayyy !
Yeah, well not so much a bargain, but the comedic value is priceless. I bought a pack of straws for Mini Boo, the kind you drink from....the buggers are about 3 foot long.
Got them from Home & Bargains, was only about 50p too. honestly, watching the little one drinking with them, which she has to stand up to do, is hysterical.
I got three packs of cat food in tins from Tesco tonight (it was like the land of the lost up there at 7pm, they'd even shut down a lot of the tills!) - usually selling for £4.50 a box, reduced to £2.49 because the boxes were damaged and they had to tape them up. Cats don't care!
He's settled in nicely now, Boxy. He's loving his walk up the woods at the weekends and loves having the family come round in the week and make a fuss of him.