The plants I have reared in my greenhouse are ready to go out, with all this good weather they have already been outside hardening off and are beginning to look too big for their pots. An impossible question possibly but should I take a chance and plant out, or what else should I do, would pinching out the middle slow them down for a bit. They look so strong and healthy I woulds hate to lose them. Ta
It depends whereabouts in the country you are. Two or three years ago we had similarly warm weather at the end of April and folk around here (South Yorks) thought it would be clever to put their bedding plants out. Bad idea! The frosts that we had in the first two weeks in May did what frosts always do to bedding plants. Surprise, surprise!
If you're in Cornwall or the Scillies then go ahead; anywhere else leave it for another 3 weeks!
I've put mine out they seem to be doing OK in West Yorkshire. It has been very warm and sunny for the past few days, hopefully we'll have some rain next week.
As a rule of thumb, the further south you are the better your chances are! Not a lot of help, but if you are in the north of Scotland then no, if your south of watford gap then yes!
I asked this question last week and went with the reply that it is safe to plant my hanging baskets and pots. I only have a couple of each, the rest go into borders.
If the nights get cold I can bring them inside.
I am eager to get them out for the same reason as you but I am going to hang on for at least another week. I am in the South.