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midagetrolop | 14:58 Sun 29th May 2011 | Home & Garden
4 Answers
I have had the above for 7-8 years, and keep it in conservatory and it flowers every year, but it is getting v big and out of hand how do I prune it. I is covered in flowers at the moment.


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They do get out of hand in that environment .. as do Hoya's.
Is it a tanglen interwoven mess?
Try to prune out some/up to 25% of the oldest stems in spring and pull out.
This site may help you ..
. . . and from the Royal Horticultural Society:
You lucky thing it must smell like heaven I'd go wth the RHS sire
Question Author
Thanks all - it really has lots of flowers, when they open it should smell lovely in the conservatory.

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