The central banks would collapse, the US DOllar would be worthless, and governments would have no money for wars. A GOOD THING so long as there are a few things in place:
Banking could be a not-for-profit service to humankind ran transparently and accountable. Money must communicate values of goods and services facilitating trade as a secondary means. Trade and barter being the primary means. But any money that can be "invested" in is USURY based and will lead to economic collapse as was and will be the fate of all empires. Money must itself be non-profitable.
By the definition of an economy, we don't have an economy. We have a privately owned real-life game of monopoly. In an actual working, self-contained economy, there would be no need for taxes, interest, and inflation would not exist. All the wealth stays within the economy. No poverty. Sound like Utopia? nah, just a working economy.
Homeownership is an illusion. You pay the bank for 30-40 years of mortgage to get a deed that says you "own" the property. But stop paying property tax and see if you still own it. btw, the bank makes more than half of your payments via interest. The deed just means you don't have to pay the bank anymore.
If everyone stopped paying rent and mortgage, you would own your property truly. Stay where you are. When the central bank collapses (Federal Reserve), the US dollar would have no spending power so the guns the bank would hire to kick you out of your home wouldn't have any motivation to kick you out. they wouldn't be paying rent either.
560,000 homeless in the US (2017).
18,600,000 vacant homes (banks are withholding from the people). Plenty of homes for everyone, refugees, migrants even. And if people gravitated towards their families, more places would open up.
build with your neighbors, protect each other, create ways to work out issues in the community (restoritive justice model), grow food together, outlaw corporations and initiate a co-op model of business, ...
In this model you wouldn't have to have a job, jobs would look more like "roles in your community," although jobs would still exist. small businesses, etc.
Prisons and police wouldn't be necessary or at least police would be reserved for occasional serious crimes as murder but without poverty and desparation, crime would be virtually non-existent. much of mental sickness that occurs with isolation, stress, trauma, what have you, much of this would have been nipped in the bud before they get to that stage.
No more corporate, profit-driven war.
Society would be healthy, so long as people didn't panic, riot, and fear the collapse of the empire's stronghold (not likely). It would be true freedom.