We live in Essex, and the ground is very clayey and our allotment has been flooded. My husband has been scooping gallons of rain from the top of the paths etc. The plants are all very slow growing, with the exception of raspberries of which we have a superb crop. Strawberries a very small crop, and small berries; picked the gooseberries which were fine. The runner beans are about halfway up the canes, and have some flowers, but look a bit sickly, yellowish. The cucumbers I planted out have just sat there, doing absolutely nothing; courgettes growing quite well, although I always put collars of plastic bottles and copper tape on them so the slugs have not really got to them. The parsnips have not even germinated, nor have the carrots; the beetroot seem to be growing well. Have picked some tomatoes from the greenhouse, and the ones growing outside have very small tomatoes on some of them.I bought some small pepper and chilli pepper plants yesterday and have planted them into the greenhouse, so hope they produce something. The sees I put in never germinated.
Seems like it will be an expensive year for vegetables if the farmers are having the same problems.