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Cat Deterrent

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Mags22 | 13:56 Fri 17th Jan 2014 | Gardening
3 Answers
Have at last managed to lure birds back to feeding in my enclosed yard,but from out of the blue a young cat has started visiting too - I love cats, but am mindful of my many flowertubs, and of course, the feeding birds. I also 'babysit' my son's boxer three days a week and don't wish to have a confrontation!! though I kept him on the lead this morning and let him see the cat,who fled at the sight. What can I use to deter it from sneaking under the gate, short of buying a 'cat alarm'? Thank you for any ideas or tips. I know I could fill in the gap under the gate, but it can climb my neighbours lilac, and jump onto my wall .


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let the dog loose. I have got two dogs and never see a cat in my garden
13:58 Fri 17th Jan 2014
let the dog loose. I have got two dogs and never see a cat in my garden
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Thanks woofgang - I never had cats while my labs were in the yard,I agree there, unfortunately its a bit cold to leave the boxer in the yard just now, I'll let him out a bit more and see if that works!
I don't leave my boys out there either. just let him out when he wants to go. The cats will get the message

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Cat Deterrent

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