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Good Morning Early Birds!

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waterboatman | 04:00 Fri 26th Sep 2014 | ChatterBank
196 Answers
Friday. First the good news. Tiggy is back! He came in just after two this morning. It was good to see the lad. He went into the hedge further along from the old nest. When I cut the hedge I always stuff most of the trimmings in along the bottom to fill all the wee gaps that appear. He went into one of those patches. I'll keep an eye on him and see what I can do to help the wee lad.

I must be away about 8 to do the final prep for my lunch visitors.

apropos nuffink, I went and got my hair cut t'other day, whilst chatting with my lovely hairdresser, she asked what I'm going to feed them with, I told her and she asked for the recipes for the starter and pudding. KI think her family are in for a surprise! :o}

Have a happy day everyone.


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Afternoon oz. Thanks mate. It's good to see the wee fella, so it is. :o}

We will be indoors today. I was going to set up the garden table, It's easier for my mate in his wheelchair, but it's raining, so inside it is.

How are you mate. All well?
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Goodly morning peeps xxx

Am really glad Tiggy is back :-D

Dunno why I'm up this early today - oh wait, yes I do.
Peas muttered summat about wanting to dance in the shed last night, so Cuddlyone installed a glitter ball and the reflection off his shiny bits was like being in a Star Wars shoot-out.
Ozzy, that's a great thing to do. Shame about it being the middle of winter though.
Eldest will be glad to see you too. Shame it's only for a week though.
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That's a wonderful thing to do oz. My wife, Vera, lost her second fight with cancer three years ago next month. The treatment we received could not be faulted, either at the two hospitals concerned or the Cotswold Care Hospice which did such a wonderful job of looking after both of us during her final couple of months. You can google the hospice. I was asked to be the public face of a big fundraiser to improve and enlarge the art room that Vera loved so much. She always said that while she in there, she forgot all about the cancer. I was honoured to be asked and I did indeed accept. I posted it on here and donations came in from all over the world. We raised half of the amount we needed in the first two weeks, thanks to all the lovely people on here.
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Morning albs xxx So that's what all the noise was about! I heard it here! :o}
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oh, Ozzy, LOL !!!
(very good)

Ozzy, if you can set up a just-giving (or some such) I'm sure a few ab'ers would donate too.
I know they can be very generous.
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It does indeed oz. I'm proud of this lot. Don't tell 'em though, they'll get big headed! ;o}
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It was either the clacking of the killer heels on the top on the table or the cracking of Minty's whip (or even both) Boaty, his screams of 'I submit, I submit, do it again' could be heard across 7 counties.
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If you could provide a link oz, I'm sure the call will be answered.
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That's what it sounded like albs, I could hear bernie giving it some welly! :o}
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The response to charity fundraisers by ant of the gang always gets a good response mate, you are one of the gang! :o}
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ant? any! doh!
Personally, behind the scenes, the number of abers who have offered me great emotional support is priceless and appreciated beyond words. They know who they are and I will not outrage them by naming them. They are wonderful people to have in my life and I love 'em to bits.

There, I've said me soppy piece for this year :-D
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Good Morning Early Birds!

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