tomato seeds in The AnswerBank: Home & Garden
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tomato seeds

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gotchaeme | 01:12 Wed 14th Jun 2006 | Home & Garden
4 Answers
when my tomatoes finish growing and i pick them how do i go about collecting the seeds to grow next year? do you have to dry them or something?
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Sure... slice them thinly and lay the pieces on paper towels to absorb the juice. After a couple of days, pick the seeds out and dry them further before storing them... A word of caution, however. If they were hybrids, as most are, they may not grow true to form... just a toss of the dice to see what your get. Best of luck!
Every time we use our harvested compost, we always get lots (and I mean lots) of tomato plants growing all over the place! Last week I stopped counting when I reached 50 (not my age!! I wish). Gave some away to neighbours, and my mum has some on her balcony. Guess when I do a bit of gardening this morning I"ll find some more......:0)
In ref to n00dles post, thats excactly the reason you don't put Tomatoes in the compost.
My Dad does this every year and as far as I know he just puts the seeds on kitchen roll and lets them dry and that's all.

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