How high can a wooden fence in the back garden be? Is it true that the nice side has to face the neighbours way and we have to have the back of the fence?
Hi twinklystar, I may stand to be corrected on this, so dont take it as gospel.
For a back garden, I think you need planning permision if its to be over 6' 6" (2m) but I think you are allowed to make it a bit higher by adding a trellis on top.
I put some larch-lap pannels up last week and faced the overlapping sides to the garden I was working in, dont know if that was wrong or not but it seemed like a good idea at the time.
I hope 'Builders mate' sees your question, who is very good on these topics Good Luck Tbird+
Thanks Tbird!! (not sure I'm supposed to reply or this bits just for questions? Oh well!!!)
I'm not sure what larch-lap panels are!! But you put the nice side facing towards the garden that wanted them? I don't see I should pay to see the rubbish side of the fence!!!
our garden is seperated between a fence, our neighbour put the nice side on our side , which he told us was the right thing to do, as for height as long as it isnt a permenant fixture,ie, a wall etc you can go up to 6 foot, if in doubt ask the c.a or council,
Oh dear - does that mean I'm going to be a nasty neighbour then??!! I haven't even met them yet!! Our garden joins one neighbour at the side and one at bottom of the garden. Does anyone know if it is true if everyone is repsonsible for one fence/hedge either left or right of garden? Maybe I'm making this more complicated than it is!! I'll speak to the village council and see what they say! Thank you all for your help!
I have looked into the thorny subject of nice and nasty sides - while it is customary to give your neighbour the good side, there is NO rule or law that says you must. If he/she says otherwise, suggest they pay half the cost ! THAT works ! However, where arris rails are used, it does stop incipient young mountaineers climbing on them to peer at you in your privacy.
You could try finding a fence which looks nice on both sides, although this will cost a bit more. And I also thought that the max. height was 1.8m (6 feet).