all answers are two words beginning H & C eg, Harry Cotton (some answers may have smaller words inbetween ie, at - of -and etc.- i enjoy answering a-bers questions but am really stuck on these, sorry there are so many 1 - christmas cards (not Happy Christmas as this is the answer for no. 101 16 - common pitcher plant 28 - rose of sharon (may be Hibiscus Chiffon ?) 28 - messiah 9poss' Handels Composition ?) 80 - south of hatton garden (can only find Holborn College) 88 - hoodie 90 - u.s. bottom drawer 93 - u.s.anthem (poss Heart / Hand Crossed 100 - aloha and golden states 101 - yuletide greetings (i think this is Happy Christmas that's why i don't thimk it is the answer to no. 1) any help at all gratefully accepted.
thanks mazie - and thanks jmr, it sounds good enough to me, i will use that and jmr thanks for all other help again - just come in and spotted your answer to no. 48, i think i (we) have completed quiz now - thanks to all