My wife recently bought a 12 foot high eucalyptus tree from a garden centre, when it arrived I noticed some of the bark was peeling off. The chap from the garden centre insisted this was natural for this species and would be OK when planted out. Constructive comments would be appreciated please.. Thanks in anticipation...
I have two Eucalyptus trees Billy and both shed their bark so I don't think there is anything to worry about as I have had one of them for twelve years.
Absolutely normal.The degree of peeling varies from species to species. Yours is probably eucalyptus gunnii, the one most commonly sold in garden centres. It does not peel as much as some, but it certainly peels and will do so all its life.The peeling bark is often seen as an attractive feature of eucalypts.If your eucalypt is happy then it will not do much in its first year with you but after that it will rocket away and become a fine tree. That may be of more interest (or concern) than the peeling !
Thank you all.
frredpuli47 ! I think the tree must be very very happy, its been in the ground three weeks and I noticed yesterday dozens of tiny new leaves, must be the horse muck stew I threw in when I planted it.
Thanks again, BRS