Please can I have some advice regarding best possible evergreen shrubs that can be used as hedging. Ideally I would like something pretty & colourful all year round, which doesn't grow too thick & 'woody' but will spread & grown to a height of approx 5/6ft?
Escallonia is a good and popular shrub for hedging, especially if you live in a coastal area.
It has shiny leaves and white, pink and red flowers from June to Autumn. Average height is 6ft tall and it is evergreen.
I would recommened Pyracantha as although it`s slow growing, will eventually grow into a lovely hedge with tiny flowers that change into berries in the winter for the birds to sustain them through the winter especially blackbirds, also it provides a very good security against intruders due to its long needles. It will grow well anywhere in any soil.
And if you aren't confused by all these responses, another option is beech. It has lovely shiny green leaves in Spring and the leaves turn brown in autumn and mostly stay on so so you're not left with a mass of bare twigs.
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Suitable evergreen plants to act as hedge for front garden