I have had to lift up some bulbs last week(daffs,snowdrops, tulips etc) as we are extending a patio. What's the best way to treat the bulbs so I can replant them at a later date?
Put them in another part of the garden or in pots of soil and wait until the foliage has died back then clean off the soil and keep them in a sack somewhere dry until about Autumn and transplant where you want them to grow for next year.
Snowdrops really need to be planted in the green (ie at this time of year when they still have green growth) to have any real success. If you are not sure where you want them finally, transplant them just now and then next spring, when they are growing and, even when they are flowering, they can be put in their final position. Other bulbs can be plnated somewhere out of the way at present and then the bulbs lifted and replanted in the autumn.