Hello I planted a hydranga plant two weeks agoin a sheltered spot Unfortunatly it seems to be dying The flowers have gone brown and yhe leaves have started to wither Have i lost it
Hello! Probably not. I imagine that it had been grown indoors until you bought it. Leave it as it is, if you have any fleece put that over, but it should be alright without, when all danger of frost has gone snip off the dead flower heads.New leaves will develop as the weather warms.
If it survives don't expect it to flower again this year, additionally if the position in which you planted it is not sunny, move it because they love the sun.
Sorry nonomaybe, I have one facing north east and right up against my house and my neibours are envious each year at the number of beautiful blooms on it, but it`s in a lime free soil which helps a lot.