wow, that looks as if it was specially designed for Christmas, Shaney, possibly by Conran or someone. We're suddenly awash with blossom here which foolishly thinks winter is over, though it's still rather parky, and Keukenhof was gorgeous. I'll post some photos when I've beaten them into shape, improved the colours, cloned out the junkies and so on.
That's very interesting, thanks, woofgang - I've not considered implants before as the teeth I have misplaced in the past haven't been very important, but this was the last proper chewing on on the left side. And I do need to be able to eat on both sides just in case one seizes up, as is often the case. I assume I'm looking at a price roughly the size of the national debt of Upper Volta, and I'm not covered by tooth insurance, so I'll only be thinking of getting the one. Perhaps I should have it attached directly to my brain, as that seems to be pretty solid bone. My trouble is I am very prone to inrfection, from clogged pores on my face (and even legs) to wholesale abscesses - I have a big scar on my face where one had to be hoovered dry many years ago. So I get a lot of them around my teeth too. Just one of those things you have to live with, but it ain't cheap.