Rhododendron in The AnswerBank: Gardening
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Misky | 08:39 Tue 10th Mar 2009 | Gardening
5 Answers
My dad planted two rhododendron in his garden at the same time, early last year. One has grown but the other hasn't. It hasn't died, the leaves are still green but they and the buds are exactly as they were when he planted them. I've looked on various websites but can't find any clues as to what's gone wrong. Does anyone have any ideas I can pass on?
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Did your dad plant them in acid soil as thats what Rhodi`s prefer?
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Morning Carlton, I'm not sure what type of soil it is - this is the first thing in thirty-five years that hasn't grown there, and it's odd that the other one's doing well.
I agree Acid soil is needed. If you are able, try to dig up the bush with root ball intact. Dig a good sized planting hole , part fill with ericaceous compost, re-plant ,and top up with more compost. Keep well watered. Good luck
they prefer semi-shade (under leaf canopy).
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I think the shade thing looks like the best bet. The one that has grown is by the tree, the other is near the path in a more open spot. Or it could be a plastic plant. Thanks for the suggestions. X

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