My local church no longer allow lilies to be in floral displays in the church "on the grounds of health and safety." Can anyone advise as to what danger lilies could possibly pose to the health and safety of the church congregation?
I agree with Jan about the pollen, it's a nightmare & the most likely reason, but people don't usually brush against floral displays in church. As much as I love to look at lilies I find their smell way too heady indoors, it gives me a headache, so maybe some people have complained.
Lilies are mildly toxic especially Arum Lilies. They can cause illness if ingested and some people especially Hay Fever sufferers can have a nasty rash if they brush the skin.It's not likely that a cat will get in to the church but they are highly toxic to them and can cause liver failure. It sounds as if someone is being a tad over cautious pinkerton, it's a sign of the times I'm afraid.
If a cat gets pollen on their fur and then lick it off when they wash they could die, so carefully pick off the stamens if cats are likely to get too near to them.