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What tree/very large bush is this

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ayabrea38 | 21:43 Sun 02nd May 2010 | Home & Garden
28 Answers
that we have in our garden.Its got lilac/purple flowers that have just bloomed and they smell divine,very floral,it blows in the breeze through the garden.Its about 10-12 feet tall with thin branches.


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yer I'd have said that too. they attract butterflys
Are you in the UK? Buddleia won't have flowered yet
Lilac we have a white one just coming into flower its too early to be a Buddleia.
ah apologies for the incorrect answer, my gardening knowledge is severely limited!
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Nope,the clusters of flowers are smaller,about fist size,and yep,in the UK.Thanks though.Keep them ideas coming please.I would post a photo if
a)I had one and
b)I knew how!
sorry everyone I know I know a right royal pain the the behind thats me!
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Hey flyingpig,I think you may be onto something there,I will do a google.hang on......
almost definitely a lilac. Enjoy it while it lasts!
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Yay!Thats what it is.
Thanks to everyone who answered and hey sophie_1003(may I call you sophie?)at least you tried and you knew loads more than me.Lilac type bush/tree I dunno talk about the name saying it all !
Most probably a wisteria

see here
If that`s a lilac I`m a gorilla, it`s a Rhododendron, I have an identical one in my garden, but it`s red.
yes you may! I'm rubbish on most gardening things, only knew buddleia like 4get says they get lots of butterflies and I like butterflies lol!
Sorry, ....what the hell made me say lilac?meant wisteria
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sorry,carlton23,you are a gorilla.
They don't smell much either (Rhodos) but I think ayabrea has googled lilac and recognised it. Mind you none of the lilacs round me have flowered yet although they are in bud.
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Hmmmm sure you did carlton,you just want to be a gorilla-and thats fine its ok,different but ok........(help)
Im with Carlton on this one, the photo that ayabrea has said it is, is a Rhododendron.

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