bulrushes in The AnswerBank: Gardening
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piggie3 | 13:21 Mon 19th Jul 2010 | Gardening
3 Answers
i have a pond with lots of bulrushes growing in it
i remember as a child my mum had a flower arrangement with them in
i have cut some down and put in my garage to dry
has anyone any advise on how to dry them successfully
and how to sell them and how much to ask for them
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Take them along to a local florist's, they'll tell you what they'll give you for them. I did that and didn't even bother to dry them, just left that up to them.
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thanks for that
i will do that when i go shopping
Please excuse a pedantic point but I suspect your pond plant is not a bullrush, rather it's a reed mace. If I'm correct I agree don't try drying them, if you succeed there is a danger they will disintegrate into the indiviual seeds they are comprised of, thousands and thousands of them, dandelion seeds are nothing compared to a reed mace head!

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