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Apple Tree

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rov1200 | 18:51 Thu 09th Sep 2010 | Gardening
3 Answers
We have a 5 year old apple tree and this year there was a high yield but before they were fully grown all were eaten either by wasps or birds.

How can this be prevented next year?


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You can prevent bird damage by throwing a tree net over the young fruit , but not wasp damage I'm afraid.
I bought a waspinator from wilkinsons for £7.99, hung it in the plum tree and amazingly it seems to have worked. Plums were not eaten as usual. Its a big green bag thing which mimics a wasps nest, so other wasps don't go near it.
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I wan't aware of the problem with wasps this year until I heard a report on the TV yesterday about legoland where they were causing a pest this year.

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Apple Tree

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