Let's hope the OH hasn't damaged the top layer of fine fibers inherent in all leather products. Try this... find a hand lotion that has lanolin as a part of the product... better yet, 100% lanolin is available here in the U.S., perhaps the U.K. as well. Rub it in thoroughly. For the short term it may look somewhat off color but every one we've treated soon comes back to the original dyed color. Let it set without use for several days.
Additionally, we've found that a bag of ice cubes applied to the crease may restore it. Just place them in a plastic bag and wrap it in a towel (to keep excess moisture from condensation away) and let it set on the crease for as long as it takes the cubes to melt.
As an aside, I've had friends that report good result from the ice cube method and subsequently using a hair dryer on hot setting and blowing the leather. It should first be treated with a good leather conditoner, then the ice cubes, then the dryer. Don't get the hot air too close to the seat and move it constantly. I've not personally tried this though...
Best of luck!
Best of luck!