We've ordered a large amount of solid oak wooden flooring, and a note has come through saying "Pavement Delivery Only". Does that mean they're just going to dump it outside? We don't have a pavement!!
It means that they will only take it off the back of the lorry and that you are responsible for taking it inside the property and stacking it to the manufacturers requirements.
Yes. Typical for bulk delivery of building materials - often called "kerbside" delivery. Basically off the lorry wherever and no more - not taken up your path or onto site or into your house, just offloaded as close as the wagon can get. After that, it's your problem to get it where it needs to go.
After you resolve getting the oak into a protected area be sure you let it acclimate for a couple of days in the same area where it will be installed. It needs to as close to the same temperature and humidity content as the underlying area. It would help if you could unpack it if it's in boxes...
Good news! It didn't mean that they were going to dump it off the lorry into the road - just that they wouldn't unload it from the pallets. The man had a trolley and wheeled the pallets into an out-building on our land. Hurrah! Delivered, safely stored, and out of the rain.
You will need to unload it from the pallets so that it can reach equilibrium in it's final situation. It is important to lay it at the most humid part of the year otherwise if the planking is laid closely, when it expands the floor may well ripple.
The company told us to unpack it and leave it where it's going to be laid for a week, which we will do. A flooring man is coming to lay it so hopefully all will be well.