This musty smell first started in May and then disappeared only to return last night it makes me feel sick and I don't know why it's here and it seems strange that it's reappeared after months I don't know what to do about it has anyone got any suggestions I should also add that the smell sticks in my nose.
bobinwales, The correct grammar is: you might HAVE had corona virus, not, you might OF had. This type of use of the English language is what dilutes it for the worst. I know. You're in wales. Not England.
I think that my bedroom needs to be tidied yes I have a lot of books and magazines on the floor but I have a system I can't out them onto a bookshelf until I've read them and I have clothes all over the floor.
In no particular order, open a window, put all used dishes in the sink, bin all those tissues, pick up the clothes and have a hot shower, not forgetting your feet.