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How to Clean a Brown Sink - Help!

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HJT40 | 16:23 Wed 18th Jul 2007 | Interiors
3 Answers
I am soon to move in to a new house. The kitchen is a bit shabby, but nothing I can't deal with or do something about. However, there is a two and a half bowl sink in brown in need of a good clean. Does anyone have any ideas on how to clean it and help it to look nice again?



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I have never seen a brown sink , but would wash it in a weak solution of bleach so that you know that it's clean enough to use .
Do you know what it is made of ? Is it a composite material or something like enamel over metal? If it is composite do not use bleach as this not recommended. Try Barkeepers Friend ( John Lewis stock it ) mixed into a runny paste.
Try making a paste of bicarbonate of soda and rubbing it in. Might take a bit of effort but it works on most things! If there are calcium marks from hard water, white vinegar works quite well, though you have to leave a pad soaked in it over the calcium deposit for a while to loosen it.

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