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Blocked drains

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stanbesida | 20:41 Sun 26th Apr 2009 | Home & Garden
4 Answers
Could anybody advise me how to remove grease from the drain?
I have gone from one end of the pipe and have used a spider and went 10 rods into the pipe, but it hasn't cleared it, I have also tried a Karcher drain cleaner but that didn't work either. I rodded from the drain end and used 10 rods from that end as well but the rods came out of that end with a white grease on them, I have also used the Karcher drain cleaner from that end, but I assume that there must be a blockage of grease somewhere in the middle of the pipe. I have filled the sink with hot water and put soap powder in it and I also put soda in the hot water as well, but none of this has cleared the grease. Could anybody suggest a way of clearing the blockage, the water is running slowly but I assume that whoever lived here before me must have emptied grease down the drain and it has become blocked over a period of time


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I really don,t know if this will solve your problem but an old remedy was caustic soda which is cheap to buy from a hardware store.pour down a sink
, read the instructions because it can bubble back use boiling water too flush it through.
Keep out of reach of children.
Best of luck.
Drain rods are the right way to do this and the fact that white grease is appearing on the ends of the brushes indicates you are shifting it - you just need to be more patient with it.
The way I do it is run cold water down the drain whilst rodding from the other end. The rod brushes tend to further limit the water flow whilst in there, but having shifted bits of it, once you withdraw the rods, larger bits of grease start coming out the sewer end with the water.
The cleaners that I have used are based on concentrated sulphuric acid - not caustic. The two must never come into contact with one another, and neither should be used in conjunction with drain rods because of the likelihood of skin splashes. Both causes burns when concentrated.
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Many thanks for your assistance
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Blocked drains

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