just thought I'd pass this on if any of you are interested in some very nice cutlery at a bargain price.
it's this..
http://www.debenhams.com/webapp/wcs/stores/ser vlet/product_10001_10001_18017_824466_-1 which costs �195.
you have to go to the LittlewoodsDirect site and order this..
http://www.littlewoodsdirect.com/rf/lxd/p.do/m elody-58-piece-canteen-cutlery-set?Ntx=mode+ma tchallpartial&SNtt=viners&groupId=471600338&Nu =this_product&SNtk=littlewoods_search&Np=1&SN= 101+85&Ntt=471600338&D=471600338&Ntk=group_sea rch&Dx=mode%2bmatchall&thisprod=471600338&N=10 1+85&Nty=1&Mis_item_id=15&Mis_item_loc_id=1&pr oduct=471600338 they don't stock the item anymore and will automatically replace it with the one above for same price!
you have to register on the Littlewoods site, and if you're a first time customer, enter this discount code on the payment page ZG754 and get a further �30 off! (actually, I think you can use this code for any 1st order over �60.) there's �3.95 postage on top.
so basically, you're getting a �195 cutlery set for under �40.
I'm not guaranteeing this (so don't even think about suing me!) , but I'd heard other people have done it, and Littlewoods confirmed on the phone to me last night that's what would happen. mine should arrive by 22nd June.