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Renting out property tips

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stevie m | 11:19 Sun 15th Jul 2012 | Property
2 Answers
Think this is the appropriate catergory to ask this question. My father in law is preparing his bungalow fo renting out and although we have approached some letting agents for advice, they only give basics until you tie up with them. So I would be grateful for any tips, for instance do we put up curtains etc.


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My Best tios are :-
Make a detailed invetory yourself ,photo anything of value (Tables ,oven etc.)as proof of condition.
If you have just repainted stte that on the inventory.
Make your own arrangements to look after the garden , cut grass etc.
Make arrangements for a window cleaner on a regular basis - someone you know or use yourself who will alert you if there is a problem.
DONT use the letting agencies full service - its wasted money.
Make sure the pay by standing order each month = if they miss act quickly.
Do make sure you get at least 6weeks rent as a deposit nd when they give notice ask to view the property shortly after getting the notice.
Do the check out yourself with your inventory and photos (ask the agent to accompany you) deduct money if their has been more than fair waer and tare.

Good luck ,I've had some terrors and some angels.
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