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Family-Of-Six Left Living In A Tent

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Eve | 10:23 Tue 01st Oct 2013 | ChatterBank
37 Answers
I was reading this earlier and despite the headline (, it seems they are all actually adults.

I don't know a huge amount about social housing but I wondered what would be the issue in them being homed separately or in smaller groups, maybe split the pets between them seeing as they are determined not to give them up.

There may be other circumstances which they haven't chosen to say in the article about whether any of them can (or will) work to be able to rent privately or, with the benefits they may be claiming why they can't afford jointly, something a bit better than a tent.

Is it just me?


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Ultimately it's a decision they have made. They could have made other arrangements for their pets while sorting out an alternative living arrangement.
They are all adults and unless they all suffer from disabilities they should be in work and able to afford private rent.
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There just seem to be more and more of these stories, like they are trying to get shoved up the list by getting media attention. I can't say if that is the case but I remember another recent one about a couple who were housed in a small but seemingly adequate flat at the time then just kept on having children, despite not having the room etc.., then went to the media when the state didn't give them somewhere bigger.

I do sometimes wonder where common sense and responsibility have gone.
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Thanks Factor, hasn't even noticed it wasn't showing up as a link. Much appreciated.
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Thanks too WyeDyed :)
I'm afraid it's their own fault, they should have clarified the position about their pets in the Kent housing before they upped sticks and left Sussex.
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Quite, six adults, four dogs and three budgies, it's not like they just had one or two small pets!

Kids are all adults that should work to earn for room rent, as most have to
This strikes me as very selective reporting.

They were hounded out of their previous home - why? Did they not therefore make themselves intentionally homeless?
They spent two years in B&B accommodation - a B&B accepted their pets?
I thought you needed an permanent address to claim benefits, which is the trap homeless people find themselves in. Happy to be corrected on this point, as I'm not sure.
Are any of them working?
Is there a need for them to live as a family unit, other than just wanting too?
Surely the council is under no obligation to house them as a family when it is a family comprised of adults?

The article is sensationalist and full of holes, I wonder what the truth is?
Anyone who moves from Sussex to Kent is asking for trouble.
Why dont some of them get a job and pay for private accomadation?
I cant feel too sorry for them.
Excuse me, JJ..........! whilst I miss Brighton itself, moving to Kent was one of the best things I ever did.
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I think you are right Eccles, many unanswered questions in an article which seems biased in their favour.

Seem to be a lot of holes! Will be interested to see if there is another story in the near future about them being suddenly rehomed, similar to the family I mentioned above.

I've always fancied moving to Brighton. Maybe one day!
well, it IS the DM, after all.....

I loved living in Brighton, eve - but I don't think I could afford to move back there now. Cost of living where I am at the moment is much more attractive!
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I know, I would struggle to live there comparatively to life up in Manchester.

I do like the idea of being near the sea again though but with a city feel and being so close to London.
This did strike me as a very odd story and not sure I believed it all. Seemed a bit posed - put on your gloomy face and pose with the budgie cage - type article. What is stopping them going to work and even buying their own property? A lot of adults here but not any information about whether any of them work, or are on benefits.
Sorry, boxy.


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I'm not sure I'd want to stick my head in that tent, with that amount of people and pets and limited facilities, can't see it being a very nice environment!

I wondered about them saying they were "hounded" out of where they lived before.

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