1 The Building Regs are quite sloppy over this, Zebby. Bathroom extraction must be 15 litres per second, and fitted with a timed overrun. Other than that, it's a matter of "good practice".
It's perfectly normal to rise vertically to a slate/tile vent in the roof covering. The trouble is, a fully insulated duct should be used. It rarely is though.
Next best is to bend the duct into a "swan-neck". This at least traps condensate so that it can't run back into the room through the fan. (Rather like a sink waste trap or U-bend.) This is Ok, but relies on eventual evaporation from the "trap".
My preferred method if no wall ventilation is possible, and it has to go through the roof, is to run the duct horizontally. Lay the duct across the ceiling joists and cover the whole thing with the roof insulation. Where the ceiling meets the roof, fit the vent slate right there.
2 No minimum length ......... but see (1) above.
3 Now you need expert legal advice. The fault(s) has been identified and reported during the warranty period, so it is still valid. Don't quote me, but I believe faults remain valid for a period of six years after notification.
Buy/rent is theoretically a great idea. Often the only way to get a first property. It WILL have been tied up legally regarding liability for defects. The trouble is that,with both Persimmon, and Sovereign, you have only been able to deal with salespeople; office dwellers; and largely gutless admin....... who are likely to be completely uninterested and unqualified to give legal opinion.
Go to it, Zebb. You have been badly let down.