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Garden Wall Wobbly

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annieigma | 22:22 Fri 14th Apr 2017 | Home & Garden
6 Answers
Hi All,
bit of a problem. backed into a brick garden wall, three feet high by about 15 ft long, the wall now rocks if you push it hard enough. the wall seems to be rocking from below ground level by about nine inches or more. One part is asphalt footway, the rear of the wall is garden soil. Is it possible that we can dig down nine inches by about four inches wide and ram concrete post mix into the trough to re-set the wall?


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I'm no expert but figure you could give it a try; but if the wall is loose across it's width I'd have thought the new stuff could be under stress from the off. A bit like sticking a plaster over something in the hope it'll hold. It's my pure guess that in the long term it might be better to dismantle and rebuild properly ? Hopefully one of the builder's will give a more expert view when they visit here.
It needs underpinning; a trench dug alongside it (sections at a time) and filled with tamped down hardcore and cement, both sides if possible.
Same thing happened to me, had to take down and rebuild with new footings...
Foonds, Murraymints, FOONDS! :)
nae need tae shoot Dougie..!!! FOOOOONDS !!! lol xx
Aye, it's yer foonds, annie.

Since the footings are still in place, then there's no problem with ground-bearing .... so, your idea sounds good. After all, it's only lateral support (sideways) that's needed here.

With the dimensions you've given, you'll need around 200-250 kg of concrete. 10 or 12 20kg bags. It would be cheaper to buy loose aggregate mix (plus cement), but then you'd have to mix it.

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Garden Wall Wobbly

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