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Cheeky New Neighbour

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Smowball | 08:19 Wed 26th Sep 2018 | ChatterBank
33 Answers
This sounds really daft considering how confident I am.....
Ok so about 6 weeks ago a single guy bought the house next door. He hasn’t moved in yet as he is doing some work to it but is over most evenings and weekends.
The day he first turned up he came to door with two bottles of wine and a beaming smile. What a lovely man we both thought.
Two days later he txt me(we had all swapped numbers) to say a builder was turning up next day and if he dropped keys off that eve could I pls let him in and keep eye on him. Erm, ok..... this happened about 3 separate days.
3 weeks ago he went on holiday for 2 weeks and again he knocked on my door and asked if I could let a contractor in. I said ok but I’m in and out all day so I can’t just stay in. If I’m out I’ll have to leave keys in my porch . Fine he said . He left. That eve I get a txt from him akin to War and Peace with a list of FIVE workmen on 5 diff dates who ended up knocking on my door at all hours, to collect keys, drop keys off etc etc, by this time he’s already jetted off on holiday!
He gets back and knocks on my door straight away. I make a tongue in cheek comment about paying me for being site manager and it just went over his head. This was Friday.
He has now txt me at 6.15 this morning asking if I could be on on 1st of October as he has arranged for 2 new sofas to be delivered and can I wait in to let them in! I don’t want to fall out with a new neighbour but he is taking the Mickey now and I don’t really know how to reply without being rude!


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just say NO !
When he gets back tell him helping out is one thing but you thought he pushed his luck and was a bit unfair. Tell him it was difficult as you have stuff going on as well. Make it clear you will help in a one off situation but reserve the right to say no if it is inconvenient.
tell him he will have to make his own arrangements as you are much too busy
Question Author
I mean, who txts a neighbour they barely know at 6.15am!!
Just say you can’t guarantee you’ll be in.
Don't make yourself always available. He will keep asking, if you do.

Are there neighbours on the other side? Perhaps he could pester them.
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I really really hate a bad atmosphere but I think he is taking the absolute Mickey now and he is using his good looks and cheeky smile as it seems to have worked all his life.
Don’t keep blooming arranging things on days when you’re not there mate! Grrrrr
not your problem smow..tell him you don't mind helping if it is convenient..but it is not ...cheeky sod !
Sounds like a salesman / estate agent, he can see ur a nice lady, don't bend over for him if you have a bad back, tell him you're busy
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I’ve just txt him saying I’m not in that day. He knows I’m self employed and in and out ALL day. Can’t believe how cheeky he is being to people he doesn’t even know!!
If you don't draw a line somewhere you will end up falling out big time. Simply text 'no sorry I'm busy on that day'. You have no need to explain anything about the whys and wherefores , just say no. If he replies with an alternative date, text back the same thing with perhaps an adage 'very busy at the mo'.
Obviously he thinks his time is much more valuable than yours,make sure he knows it isn't!
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Yeah I agree be tactfully unavailable and when he moves in make a nuisance of yourself in return, he'll start to avoid that much contact then.
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if someone sent me a text at that time they would get an earful, he is taking the proverbial, tell him you can't be around when he wants.
This guy sounds rude, arrogant and thoughtless. Please start to say "No" or he will continue to take advantage of your good nature. I wouldn't impose on my neighbours who I've known for 40 years in such a way, never mind someone I hardly know.
Tell him you are at Crown court ,on a day he asks a favour, answering fifteen charges of Burglary and Criminal Damage. He may lodge his house keys elsewhere. :-)
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Lol. No he is definitely moving in. Just can’t quite believe the audacity of him to people he doesn’t even know!
Smow you need to get over your indigence and just shrug your shoulders and ignore his texts if they are causing you this much anxiety.
Why did you even reply to his 6:15 am text? I certainly wouldn't. Anything at that hour would worry most people before they even look to see what it's about. He needs an ear bashing. You let this continue, he's really taking advantage. What does Mr Smow say?

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