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Smowball Is Moving Out -Am Stupidly Upset!

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Smowball | 11:58 Thu 15th Oct 2020 | ChatterBank
74 Answers
He’s just announced that he is moving out and renting a flat with his best friend of 12 years. Am stupidly really upset. I love seeing him every morning and evening, love our daft chats..:(


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It isn't stupid to feel upset if you have a good relationship,most parents go through it at some stage.

I wish him well.
I thought Smowball was you... is this your boy? Well, kids grow up and leave home, it's the way of the world and it's better for everyone than if they stay home forever. You can always Skype, phone, write letters with a quill pen, whatever. But children to have to start creating their own lives in their own world.
If he's 14, be worried. If he's 34, be grateful!
Is Smowball your husband or your son?
Come along here instead for daft chats ;-)
I was really sad when my youngest left for Uni in September, then 6 months later, due to covid, he's back at home working for the family firm. I don't want him to go back to Uni if truth be told, I miss him terribly. Thankfully looks as if he's here to stay until at least January.
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I’ve stupidly renamed him smowball, wrongly. He is just turned 21
I was really upset when boy #1 went off to uni but it’s their time to go. If they go off and don’t totally muck it all up, then you’ve done a good job.
ah, he's Mister Smowball now, or maybe Mister Smowball Junior. And yes, 21 is the traditional age for becoming a man, so he's bang on target.
He's 21 and moving in with best friend of 12 years.
Could there be a bromance in the air? Just asking!
Lil pasta was back and forth from the age of 15...with all the wrong people for a couple of years. Then along came a very nice BF...then uni. I was able to relax a bit then.
The closeness will always be there, Smow x
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Tbh I couldn’t ask for a better son..... stop me now as I’m welling up.
OMG...I'm welling up now.
It's a weird feeling. I always craved to have the house to ourselves, now there is just 3 of us and one hasn't been back in days, I'm bored stupid.
he's not going on a mission to Jupiter, Smow, he'll still be around. But parents do have to let go.
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I love him coming in from work and telling me how his day has been, buying his daft snacks for fridge,.......:(
Is this the son who ran away to his dad's when he was 14? I presume it is.
he moved out before and life went on, right?
life always goes on, but sometimes a wee bit of the fun goes out of it.
Ah, so its not the first time he's left home then?

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