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Lockdown Extension

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eve1974 | 17:47 Fri 06th Nov 2020 | ChatterBank
36 Answers
I wonder if the lockdown will indeed end 2dec. Or if it will be extended. My guess is they will extend it till just before Christmas.... then give people a week or so break before imposing again.

I have no stats to back this ... it’s just a thought in my mind


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Bearing in mind I am elderly and extremely vulnerable, I think NJ talks the most sense re Covid. After all the elderly and people with underlying health conditions are the ones being hospitalised, so they are the ones who should be locked down, but with proper support if needed. The money saved by not having to pay furlough to so many workers could be used to fund...
22:55 Fri 06th Nov 2020
This is EXACTLY what I said to a friend today!
yes I agree with you both - I think it will be extended
My guess is the same. Boris doesn’t want to cancel Christmas, so I think they might stretch the lockdown till further in December.

I’m not cancelling my Christmas anyway up.
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So tired of this lockdown (altho consider myself blessed that I’ve worked throughout it).

I just shudder at the implications financially... people are losing jobs, businesses are closing, future taxes will be horrendous etc

Tho in U.K. we are still the lucky ones - my family is in South Africa and there is no such thing as government assistance .... people are literally starting to starve to death.
Cloverjo - neither am I!

///////I’m not cancelling my Christmas anyway up.//

So what is your interest as to the Covid state of the nation if it will nor affect YOUR Christmas?
Same reply to iluvumargie.
Hope not.
2nd December is my birthday and I want to visit McDonalds for my free balloon and happy meal.
this lockdown has only been two days so far. #winning at life that you worked through it!
Nothing will stop the virus. Nothing has so far. It's here and it's here to stay. We're all going to have to live with it and stop playing at being King Canute.
Over hyped in my opinion Sqad, you believe all the scaremongering if you like - I don't!! And I'm not prepared to argue with you, that is my opinion and I will not waver from it.
I now know four people who have died of covid, two of them had underlying health problems, two did not, one of them in her early 60s. My brother in law was extremely ill and only escaped hospital because he is very fit and his lungs weren't badly compromised. I will do anything I am told to do to try and stop this virus in its tracks until we have a vaccine.
roopower, I refer you to my answer @ 19.06
Reading between the lines of the First Miniature's daily statement this lunchtime she's taking a long run up to an announcement of something similar on Tuesday for the shivering Scots, can't wait.

Between that and dealing with 'no indy-ref2 for a generation (hurrah!) she's got a busy weekend ahead of her.

Wee soul.
But your answer were nonsense 10 clarianst.
We saw with the last lockdown that we can stop the tide and its not here to stay if we can vaccinate against it, find treatments that help and control it by social distancing, reducing numbers of contacts, masks/PPE, hand washing, closures of pubs ect when needed and local lockdown's
'Rishi Sunak has said the new lockdown restrictions in England will expire on 2 December "as a matter of law".

The chancellor stressed these coronavirus rules are time limited - and told the BBC the government's "expectation and firm hope is that the measures put in place will be sufficient to do the job we need".

At the conclusion of the four-week period, Mr Sunak added that it is hoped England will be able to return to a tiered COVID-19 system.'
//I will do anything I am told to do to try and stop this virus in its tracks until we have a vaccine.//

Then you're in for a long wait because:

1. An effective vaccine has not yet been developed.

2. When it has, it will take some time to provide it to the entire population (if indeed the entire population agrees to have it).

3. Unless the UK borders are closed to everybody bar those arriving from a country where a similar programme has been undertaken, the virus will recur.

4. It is by no means certain that the vaccine will continue to provide protection. 'Flu vaccines do not.
NJ....your glass is half empty and you may well be correct.......... but maybe the glass is half full.
Time will tell.
And how many years are you happy to do that for bobbininwales? The last lockdown did not stop the tide it just delayed it, as will this one. As for clinging to the vaccine - 1000s of people die of flu, many of whom have had a flu vaccine. No vacine is infallible.
Dosn't matter now prudie. With something new like this we cant look to far ahead. What we'er doing is right as we cant let are NHS be overran leading to even more deaths and problems and we after hope all the work with vaccinnes will bare fruit. If in March there is no prospect of a vaccinne next yeat and cases are still high then we may have to just review things but a still cant see an option other than to say lets just lock all vunerables up and maybe let them die without cluttring up are haspitals, dont even waste resources on treating them. Off course peopel wont accept that so will probly after keep doing what we'er doing now until the virus dies out which it will in a year or two just like others did previous even if theres no vaccinne or treatment , but a think there will be

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