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Have You Ever Had A Dispute With A Neighbour?

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naomi24 | 11:45 Fri 25th Jun 2021 | ChatterBank
35 Answers
Having received some surprising answers on the ‘Neighbours’ thread, I just wondered how many people here have had a dispute with neighbours, and if so why, and what the outcome was. I’ve never fallen out with a neighbour over anything.


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Much to busy disputing on here.
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Looks like you're doing the disputing, teacake. Have you ever fallen out with a neighbour?
lived next door to our present neighbours for thirty eight years without a problem, mind you our previous neighbours were a nightmare, which is why we moved . . .

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What did they do, ael?
Yes, noise nuisance around 20 years ago which went on for over a year. Affected the whole neighbourhood.

Eventually the council prosecuted her and she was found guilty of noise nuisance. Very nasty woman.
Our next door neighbours don't like all the work we've had done on our house and didn't like us doing work on a Sunday. She was put firmly in her place by myself and the carpenter when she started mouthing off. Her son (Ramapithicus as I call him) threatened to make my husband's life a misery. Christ on a bike, my husband could knock him into next week.

There has been no exchange with them since but a few weeks after the incident they had a summer house built in their garden and a hot tub placed inside - on a Sunday would you believe! It's like The Only Way Is Essex with a Black Country accent. She's the only person round here with a black country accent and we have to live next door to her....
too many problems to list naomi but the main one was that they were under the misapprehension that i was a heavy metal fan

No, never.
A few excess noise incidents but nothing prolonged & not for several years now.
I dont speak to Vicky Pollard my neighbour wivvart a third person

She rang the police and said I was in her garden at midnight. I was in a hotel in London - phew ! Lesson learnt

// (Ramapithicus as I call him)//
wrong fred but what the hell - ma daydy was taught anatomy by the fella who described australopithecus ( Raymond Dart )
This is of little help really but on one side, in contrast to ael, our neighbours couldn’t have been better when we had an extension: they even dismantled part of their fence so we could get a set of French windows round the back, which wouldn’t fit through our front door!
Different story for a while on the other side: the old lady’s grandson was a nightmare.
In a way, yes
Neighbours had undisciplined 2-3 year olds that were allowed to ride noisy motorised scooter from one end of shared balcony to the other (block of maisonettes). Building rules prohibited playing in this space. I complained to parents. Got "kids gotta play, where they gonna do that"...we are 2 minutes from a huge park.
Words escalated, then they knocked over my hanging baskets, and put pots right on my front step so I risked tripping on them. I was threatened by them when I took the little one by his hand back to his mum, and accused of being weird when I filmed him riding at speed back and forth. It sounded like a underground train right outside. They would also attempt to block my way to my flat. I'm old now...getting elderly then.
Between numerous emails to building management and calling 111, they were eventually removed.
Never experienced that before or since.
No problems I can remember, but did have a problem with a tree in exactly the same place, planted over thirty years ago on next doors property, and a lot lot bigger. The people that planted it moved out the young couple that moved in agreed it was becoming a mess, but said they couldn't at that time afford to have it removed, they had two young children, and this was their first house purchase, they had been renting up to that point. I offered to pay two thirds of the cost if they could come up with the rest, I don't believe in giving a completely free bread ticket, both their parents came up with the rest within a few weeks. This has now been over 6 years ago, they still live next door and we get on fine.

We ended up selling up and moving.

It just wasn’t worth the stress in the end.

I live in a flat and I think if I had a serious neighbour problem I would definitely move rather than get into a prolonged feud. Fortunately I could afford to do so if necessary.
Years ago when my two boys were little we moved to a new house.
The neighbours were a bit odd.
Wouldn't let painter put his ladder on their path to paint side of porch. We asked them first, as it would have been near impossible, due to how the houses were constructed.
The poor bloke couldn't continue painting so my husband said he'd do it. The neighbours were not happy. The young woman threatened to go down to the telephone box and ring the police. My husband told her she would be too fat to get in there! (Cringe)
They seem very jealous of us. Not friendly at all. Nice house but was glad to move away from them a few years later.
well ! now you mention it
Little old lady ( I have done this before but what the hell again) in Alphaville was being joshed in a not very good natured fashion by some teenagers. Her son sent some friends around. The lad crossing the road has his arms broken. Violent violet Kray we call her -when we dont bark " Yes Ma'am!"
Yep, haven’t spoken to neighbours one side for about 15 years after he was very rude to me, raised his voice and accused my other half of upsetting his 29 year old son some three weeks earlier. When I asked what had happened he couldn’t tell me as he hadn’t actually asked his son. When I suggested maybe his son had overreacted about something unintentional, neighbour completely backtracked, told me not to mention it to my husband (which of course I did) and apologised for upsetting me.
Husband went round that evening to find out what it was all about to be met with a complete denial of neighbour ever having spoken to me.
He’s always been odd but I will never know what motivated him that day. We’ve had nothing to do with him or his wife since.
Just one. The rest have been great... I also ended up moving because of her. The first day she moved in, she threw eggs at my windows, jumped up and down shouting at me, invited all the children into her house, just leaving my 3 year old outside. She also put her music on full volume, when the other neighbours were away, but turned it down as soon as I left my house. I found out she had been moved several times, due to doing the same to other neighbours. She also taught the 9 year old daughter of the neighbours on my other side, how to do bjs, with an ice lolly. So they weren't happy with her either.
Everyone else- brilliant.

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