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damp in caravan

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globetha | 16:14 Sun 11th Mar 2007 | Other Vehicles
5 Answers
advice on where to purchase 30mm wall insulating boards and relevant sealant from (hertfordshire based)
also any advice would be appreciated


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try a local caravan place or b&q find out were damp is coming from (i.e) door window and do what you can if its window put some clear sillicon rouned it
ask here and you`ll get a reply as soon as-
If it's a tin can on wheels burn it cures damp a treat and eases congestion
25mm wall boards should be available at a good builders merchants, use the foam type as it doesn't hold moisture.
For damp use some creeping crack cure, but first you will need to find leak. Silicon sealant could also be used.
No idea where to get it from, I don't live anywhere near.
sheffield insulation branches at south ruislip

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