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property CCTV

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terambulan | 10:13 Sun 15th Jun 2008 | Property
4 Answers
My camera points south (fixed fitting) but the midday sun hits full on and blurs the picture. Moving camera is not an option as its fixed and it can only raise or lower the lense-point minimally. Its one of those oblong sorts.

How can I keep its position but avoid the sun-blind?



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Have you tried fixing an extending shield - similar to those you see on traffic lights
Question Author
No I never knew such existed.....will try that....thanx.

Dont supposed u know where I get them. My installer-man has moved.
I've had a look for CCTV sunshields for you, but they seem very expensive - they are part of tamperproof housings and so on.

If you are in any 'handy' you could rig one up - I'm thinking something like an upside down short piece of plastic guttering, extending a few inches passed the camera.

I'm sure there must a simple, cheap and effective solution - but a shield of some sort is the answer.
Question Author
What a good idea, Ethel....necessity is the mother of invention.....will get my son onto the job..thanx

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property CCTV

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