Lisa, sorry to hear about your situation. Firstly, you've already started to do the right thing, you've taken your head out of the sand (as you say) and have started looking for help. As per previous recommendations I would get in touch with your local CAB but also get in touch with all of the people that you owe money to and explain the situation. This may buy you a little more time to get back on your feet. With regards to reposession, there is a long process that has to be followed by your lender before your home can be reposessed so dont think it's too late. Before looking to be reposessed I would consider selling as once you are repossessed the chances are you'll get a lot less when it's sold and you will still be responsible for any shortfall, contrary to what others may tell you. In addition to this there will also be additional charges added to your debt for having to go down the reposession route, not to mention what it will do to your credit history. Your lender will probably prefer you to sell so may cut you a bit of slack if you do decide to do this. You should also look to prioritise what you owe who and concentrate on the most important ones first (ie the secured ones). I'd also look at cutting back on any unecessary expenditure you may still have such as cable/satelite TV, gym memberships, etc, etc. If you have a spare room then maybe look to take in a lodger until you get straight although the lender may not welcome this.
Good luck, I hope you sort things out