depends what type of removal...last time I employed a company who actually did all the packing, removal, and unpacking.......gave them sandwiches and tea and �20.00 each
Thanks to both Fartypants and Craft 1948. Both answers offered valuable perspectives on a tricky subject. However, forgive me I opt for the wisdom of Craft1948 rather than the Frank Gallagher view on things!
Have fun, Merlinsboy
I think its good to tip - in fact I think its really mean spirited not to. We gave our 3 removal men �20.00 each - that was 3 years ago. We are in Essex.
These are little perks of the trade for some workers - especially if their basic wage is not very high.
blimey, i am with ethel on this.. would never had considered removal men needed tipping! you pay remval cmpany an amount of money to do a job, why need to give them more?
Mind yu, i dont tip my hairdresser, taxi drivers or in resturants either
Well I tipped �20.00 each about 3 years ago because I considered the service exceptionally good. They hardly ever stopped working from 8 in the morning when they started packing at my old house until they'd put everything away, erected beds etc in the new house. They then called back a couple of days later to make sure everything had been okay. I don't care how much their wages were it was a thank you from me for a job well done.
but isn't it a rather sad indictment of our times that you have to give extra reward because someone did a good job? Shouldn't you expect a good service when you are paying for someone to do something for you? Or do we just expect it t be crap, so that's when it's good, we are surprised and tip?
possibly bednobs......but let's face it they're now talking about paying MP's extra for turning up to do the job they're paid for.........(I hope they're not relying on any tips)
I used to tip certain people in the days before minimum wage - the girl who washed my hair at the hair dressers and was paid peanuts, for example. I went every week and she did a good job.
But I haven't tipped anyone since the minimum wage came in.
It's nice to see that a simple question can spark a debate on how we see society.
Thanks everyone, but I am still with Craft 1948 on this one.