A. That depends on where you live and what you are burning. Lots of us love a good bonfire as Bonfire Night bears witness, but they can also be damaging to the environment, health and neighbourly
00:00 Wed 07th Nov 2001A. It's up to you entirely, but like so many aspects of bringing up kids compromise is often the key. Left to their own devices and the decor would probably include a dogs dinner of stripes,
00:00 Wed 07th Nov 2001A. Temperatures may be dipping and the evenings getting longer but the ground still generally still has some warmth in and is still loose enough to dig. Basically there are two elements to the
00:00 Fri 02nd Nov 2001A. Its the system used to name and group different plants according to their characteristics using Latin as the language. Q. Who developed the system A. The system still used today was
00:00 Fri 02nd Nov 2001A. Because for the right people there are big savings to be made. The days of taking what you were offered and thanking the bank manager or insurance company very much have long gone. A
00:00 Fri 02nd Nov 2001A. It looks more than possible. Some parts of the country have already had a month's worth of rainfall in less than three days and flood warnings have already been issued across East Anglia, the
00:00 Fri 26th Oct 2001A. Quite the opposite, it is more popular than ever. For instance, there are now over half a million British property owners in France alone. With property prices so high in this country, for the
00:00 Fri 26th Oct 2001A. Berries are another of nature's clever reproduction tricks. Birds and other creatures eat the berries as they build up the reserves either for migration or to withstand the cold temperatures that
00:00 Fri 26th Oct 2001A. In freezing temperatures - generally accepted as 32oC and below - water inside the plant freeze and expand which can eventually rupture the cell wall. The effects can vary from causing 'burning'
00:00 Fri 19th Oct 2001A. There is no organisation or body that decides what is a botanical garden and what is, but the general definition of a botanic garden is defined as one that is open to the public and that grows
00:00 Fri 19th Oct 2001A. There are a number of things you can do that will cost you very little or even nothing at all. For instance, just because it is winter doesn't mean we don't get sunny days. When they do occur,
00:00 Fri 19th Oct 2001A. British Gas lost its monopoly on supplying gas in 1996, and the 14 regional electricity boards monopolies were broken up in 1999. That means any company can now supply gas and electricity to your
00:00 Tue 16th Oct 2001A. To some extent it depends on where the wind comes from. Inland South Westerly winds often bring warmer air so if they are not gale-force, can be welcome. It's the colder easterly and
00:00 Tue 16th Oct 2001A. There are scores of plants, both land and water-based running amok in Britain and it is basically down to us, the gardeners. As a gardening potty nation we've never been satisfied with our
00:00 Tue 16th Oct 2001A. The maze is a gardening take on the labyrinth, a series of paths and walls leading to a centre, which has been around since the ancient Greeks. The myth of Theseus has the hero making his way
00:00 Tue 09th Oct 2001A. Just about annuals can be sown in spring to give flowers in summer, but there are many that can be sown in autumn, right now in fact, that will survive the winter and be ready to crack on as soon
00:00 Tue 09th Oct 2001A. It is a popular option among people who find themselves pushed for space but for whatever reason don't want to go through the process of moving to a bigger house. You might simply like the house
00:00 Tue 09th Oct 2001A. No, unless you want to have a lot of catching up to do next spring. October is an invigorating month, a combination of finishing off this year's business and gearing up for the next. It's time to
00:00 Tue 02nd Oct 2001A. It is part of an on going campaign to encourage more people, be they keen gardeners or children living on inner city council estates, to be more aware of trees, their value to our lives and
00:00 Tue 02nd Oct 2001A. Yes, although it is almost impossible to quantify it exactly. A recent prediction by a major insurance company suggested that one in three gardens in the UK will suffer some form of theft this
00:00 Tue 02nd Oct 2001