I moved into my new bungalow about 14 months ago and my next door neighbour house which is a much older property has a tree about 3ft from our adjoining fence which is about 40/50 feet high.
Half of the trees large branches overhang into my garden and in the autumn onward my garden is full of its leaves and twigs which also blocks my gutters.
In the summer it looks beautiful but its a nightmare clearing up as they choke my lawn.
I cant really talk to them as their house is in a different road and the garden fence is the end of their garden, if you know what I mean.
Go and see them. Explain what the problem is, and ask them to get it cut back. If they are reluctant, ask them if they will pay for somebody to clean your guttering and lawn, and if they are still reluctant, tell them you'll have the work done and send them the bill. Their choice, their tree that's causing the problem
I am sure that if they won't cut them back you are entitled to cut off the over hanging branches but they must be returned to them as they are their property but try and talk to them first.
Do try to speak to them before doing anything, my tree overhung my neighbour's garden, he cut all of the overhanging branches down, then we had high winds and the tree was blown over, this was because all of the weight was on my side of the fence, the result is that the tree will have to be removed now, it's so bent, and is covering a large part of the garden, if they had spoken to me, then we could have pruned both sides at the same time and kept the tree upright!..............
I would personally not do anything just clear the leaves up, as the people are likely to feel quite strongly I think if you suggest denuding half of their tree- think of what a mess that would look;-)
I have exactly the same problem with a neighbours apple tree at the bottom of my garden, but it supplies us with plenty of cooking apples in the fall, so I just put up with it.
I have this problem with my neighbours copper beech. But The tree was there before me so I just clean up the leaves once a week in the autumn Takes about 10minutes. Lifes too short. Enjoy it in the summer and forget about autumn
I would do nothing. You bought the bungalow knowing the tree was there, and trees are precious things. You could trim the branches back on your side if you want but you must not decrease the height. However, as has been said if you cut the branches back a great deal than you will disburb the balance and the look of the tree. I don't agree with Mercia at all. Leaves can be cleared quite easy and if got a bill from my neighbours for clearing gutters and lawns of leaves from my trees I would tell them to clear off (but quite politely of course).
I live in an old house with big trees. My house was there before my neighbours new bungalow and so were the trees - about 200 years before.