I have to go and lay down now, my back is killing me - I fell of the chimney pot this afternoon...............whoops I had better explain, I wasn't on the roof, the pot is on my decking after being removed last year. I stand on the rim of it to chat to my neighbour, Sue next door. I was just handing some magazines over the fence to her for her Mum, when my other neighbour's grandson, shouted out 'whatcha Den' I turned round and wallop I fell through the chimney pot on my back.
Legs acimbo, magazines went flying up in the air.. mind you, whilst I was laying face down on the decking, I did notice if could do with a re-varnish.....Mr. Den will be so glad I noticed that.............(:0/
LOL Den hope you feel better, have a warm bath and a hot water bottle and paracetamol and go to bed. That's my usual remedy for backache. Hope you feel better tomorrow.
ouch Den - I love those eyes of yours, as long as they aren't bruised!
take a warm bath - or a nigh on very hot hot-water bottle and put a good towel between the hot water bottle and your skin where it hurts - 20 mins of heat
DT - we haven't got a bath, only a shower cubicle - its times that these that I regret taking the bath out.........yep, hot water bottle firmly stuffed down back of knickers.............eyes in tact, but sunglasses broken - Calvin Klein prescription ones, going to cost me a fortune to replace them...... xx
I couldnt do without a bath! Need both......you need to lie down and take a really hot one (with the towel to diffuse the heat to get those muscles to relax - presume you have taken some Ibuprofen - better than aspirin for this type of injury....
who can you sue? I suggest:
1. the person who failed to attach a notice to the offending pot warning against leaning on it.
2. the person who bred the child that was so affable that they said 'watcha Den'
3. Your parents for calling you Denise, if they hadn't you wouldn't have responded.
4. the neighbour for being a tight arse and expecting you to lend them magazines.
5. The designer of the chimney pot for not anticipating someone sitting on the rim of it might need abit more room .
dotty, you forgot the risk assessment due to the height of the fence..... DEN - get well soon, you will feel sore in the morning.. got any embrocation?