I live in the south. Hampshire. When is it safe to plant bedding plants. I always seem to plant them later than everyone else.
I have all my plants but only put them out during the day at the moment.
I planted mine around may bank holiday as it's unlikely there would be a frost to set them back. You might get away with this week end as you are further south, just be ready to protect any really sensitive ones
It's been so nice and sunny up here that I planted my tubs out yesterday, We haven't had any rain so I've watered them well I'll keep an eye on them for the rest of the week.
depends where you are really, sounds silly but could still have ground frost anywhere yet!..........if north, then more likely, I tend to go with the old myth that it's best to wait till beginning of May at least!............I plant mine out about the end of the first week in May, no problems so far, not in 30 years plus!..........