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swimming pool upkeep

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coli05anna00 | 09:02 Mon 09th May 2011 | Home & Garden
46 Answers
hi i have a 15ft swimming pool and am a complete beginner. what quantities of chlorine and algaecide should you innitially put in the pool after filling? anyone with advice it would be soooo appreciated. thanks Karen


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Avatar Image was obvious what you meant.
09:26 Mon 09th May 2011's a long thin puddle then...
You're not getting grief, but for anyone to give an accurate answer the information supplied has to be accurate.
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just giving the info clearly labelled on the box. perhaps take the measurements up with bestway
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I wouldn't know, my butler cleans mine ; - )
coli - just give W x D x L details or if it is round then tell us - not to many mind readers here - nobody is trying to wind you up
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tis of a circular shape
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Oh, it's one of those build it in your back garden tub-thingies.

I'm not sure sqad would have replied if he'd know it was so down-market....
My advice is to do ALL measurements, and calculations, metrically.
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Yep, that's 530 cubic feet of water, not gallons, or (as trim said) 3301 gallons.

This is why people where asking, an error of 6 times would have been quite serious when dealing with chemicals.
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thankyou all some of you for construtive answers and others for having a good laugh, im sure youre perfect hey? off to play in my long thin puddle now.
...if that's the case, very old chemicals?
Mind your knuckles.......
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Seeing as most chemicals state the amount of water they treat in gallons it doesn't really matter if the measurements are done in imperial or metric, neither give a straight forward conversion into gallons.
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yup its down market £20 off ebay cheers and my girls will love it, never mind to make sure i get it right off to get advice from a pool center. would never put my girls at risk just thought it was worth a try on here

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