I've recently found lots of vine weevil eggs in my compost, I've bought a treatment but it says to water the 'surface' of the soil - does it mean to soak the containers with the treatment because surely it needs to get to the roots where the the pests do the damage. + can I treat my compost container with the treatment as well? tia
What are you using? Some are systemic and get taken up by the plant and the weevil is killed when it eats the plant, some are directly poisonous. All are toxic to pets, humans and wildlife so be careful.
Vine weevil eggs are tiny, as far as I know they are invisible to the naked eye. If you find the grubs, Provado do a very effective treatment that you dilute and water on (I think it's just called Vine Weevil Killer). Also if you find leaves with notches in them, that may be a sign that the adults have been feeding, so it's worth keeping an eye out - but they spend the day in dark corners and are tricky to spot. If you find them, they make a satisfactory crunching sound when you crush them!